Citing Narratives in the Archive

Humanizando la deportación, the world’s largest public qualitative archive on mass deportation, is an open access resource for researchers and the public at-large that values the knowledge offered through first-hand narratives by individuals who come in contact with deportation. As a result, the narratives housed in this archive are the shared intellectual property of the creators/ narrators and the community archive itself, which, by virtue of being open access, encourages educational, activist, and any other non-for-profit usage of the narratives.

In order to credit the labor and the knowledge that the creators of these digital narratives are sharing with the world, we suggest the following citation format when using the contents archived in this project:


Author/creator/narrator, “Title of Narrative”, Humanizando la Deportación, Narrative number, Copyright date: Site Url


Sánchez Pérez, Gerardo, “Crueles deportaciones”, Humanizando la Deportación, #1, 2017:

Navigating the Archive

In order to facilitate navigation of the archive, we suggest consulting the index of key terms provided below. Key terms are based on explicit oral or visual representations provided by the creators of each digital narrative.


Activists: #42, #131, #155, #221b.,#249

Age upon migration:

Age when deported:

American Dream: #2, #5, #7, #8, #9, #11d, #19, #22, #23, #31, #34a, #34b, #40b, #62, #64, #65, #73, #76, #78, #84, #87, #88a, #96, #97, #101, #102, #104, #113, #115b, #119, #120, #123, #125, #126, #133, #149, #151, #159, #160, #162, #172, #189a,  #189b, #191, #199, #208, #210,  #211, #213, #223, #224, #233.,  #237a.,#244a., #245, #249 

American Identity: #23, #30a, #35, #42, #52, #67, #73, #84, #88b, #89, #98, #104, #115a, #115b, #135, #213, #221b., #234., #234., #242, #244a., #249

Amnesty Law: #11d, #33, #221b., #223, #233., 

Border Crossing Points: #238.,  

Central American: #28, #33, #75, #124a, #124b, #124c, #127, #139, #159, #162, #191, #192, #210,  #217a, #220,  #223, 

Communication Difficulty: #1, #45, #60, #61, #63,#67, #75, #83, #87, #88a, #88c, #89, #94a, #110, #124c, #131, #146a, #148a, #238., #241a., 

Country of Origin:

Cameroon:  #211, #218, #235., 

Cuba:  #208,

Colombia: #134,

Ecuador: #171,

El Salvador: #28, #114, #191

Honduras: #124a, #124b, #127, #139,  #162, #175, #192, #210, #217a, #217b, #223, #240., 

México: #1, #2, #3, #4b., #14, #18a, #19, #20, #21, #22, #27, #35, #44, #46, #47, #51, #52, #55, #60, #61, #65, #68, #69, #77, #82, #89, #91, #93, #94a, #95, #99, #100, #103, #104, #105, #108a, #108b, #111, #112, #113, #116, #119, #120, #122, #123, #127, #129, #132, #144, #148a, #148b, #150, #153a.,  #153b., #153c., #157, #165, #172, #176, #189a,  #189b, #199, #209 #212, #213, #214, #219, #221b., #222, #224, #238., #243., #244a., #244., #245, #246, #247 #248

Tonatico: #238., #245, #246, #247

San Miguel Balderas: #130,

Nicaragua: #159, #220, 


United States:

Creative Expression:

Crime: #164,

Criminal Organizations: 



Criminalization: #5, #22, #23, #24, #29, #32, #39, #45, #53, #47, #50, #52, #59, #67, #88b, #92a, #92b, #102, #103, #105, #110, #121a, #122, #124a, #131, #135, #136, #141, #143a, #144, #151, #153a., #156, #191, #223, #233.,  #244c., 

Culture Shock: #60, #73, #93, #94a, #96, #99, #128,

DACA: #24, #27#199, #221b., #244a., #248, #249

Death: #66b, #78, #93, #102,  #114, #118, #134, #140b, #143b, #151, #237b.,

Deportation incidents:

Deportation, Repatriation Circumstances (see crime, health and wellness, occupation):

Discrimination (See Racism): #45, #50, #72, #75, #151, #189a,  #189b, #234., 

Drug Cartel: #88a, #234., 


Exile: #2, #4a., #22, #23, #30a, #30b, #42, #74, #76, #81, #208,  #210, #218, #219, #223, #233., #242,

Family Court: #78, #115a

Family Reunification: #4b., #47, #60, #71a, #78, #83, #88a, #92a, #94a, #135, #138, #140b, #214, #221b., #236.,  #240., #241a., #246

Fatherhood: #6, #7, #21, #22,#31, #38, #39, #52, #59, #63, #70, #75, #76, #77, #92a, #96, #108a, #133, #140a, #150, #153b., #157, #158, #164, #172, #176, #171, #189a, #189b, #241a., 


Government Institutions/Organizations:

Homeland Security Department (HSD): 134, #135, #160, 

Honduran Embassy: #124c,

ICE: #1, #2, #11a, #11b, #11c, #12, #13, #16, #18b, #20, #21, #22, #28, #30a, #31, #41, #42, #43a, #44, #45, #47, #49b, #49c, #52, #53, #55, #56a, #58a, #61, #64, #66a, #66b, #67, #71b, #73, #74, #75, #76, #78, #80, #83, #85, #87, #89, #92a, #97, #99, #102, #105, #107, #108a, #113, #114, #115a, #115b, #116, #118, #124b, #124c, #135, #139, #153a.,  #153b., #153c., #160, #189a, #189b, #214, #220, #223, #224, #250

Governmental Institutions

Green Card (See Permanent Resident):   #2, #6, #23, #142, #153a., #153b., #153c.,  #220, #222, 

Foster Care: #243.

Health and Wellness: #240., 

Historical Events:

Homelessness: #1, #3, #5, #20, #22, #66a, #76, #80, #81, #139, #211, #218, #222, 

Homophobia: #79a, #83, #90,  #117,  #210, 

Homosexuality: #79a, #83, #143b,

Human Rights: #59, #73,

Immigration Court: #1, #2, #12, #13, #17, #18a, #21, #22, #24, #30a, #32, #33, #34a, #34b, #35, #40a, #40b, #40c, #52, #58a, #58b,#65, #68, #72, #73, #74, #89, #107, #113, #114, #115a, #117, #119, #122, #126,  #123, #131, #132, #134, #135, #136, #140b, #153a., #158, #214, #223, #244c., 

Immigration Detention Center: #1, #2, #5, #6, #11b, #12, #18a, #18b, #19, #24, #28, #32, #33, #34b, #36, #40a, #40b, #40c, #41, #45, #47, #49a, #49b, #49c, #49d, #50, #52, #53, #55, #56a, #56b, #61, #64, #66b, #68, #71a, #72, #73, #75, #82, #85, #87, #89, #92a, #93, #97, #102, #104, #107, #111, #114, #117, #122, #123, #124b, #126, #131, #132, #137, #144, #145, #147, #148a, #149, #115a, #151, #152a, #152b, #174a., #174b., #216, #220, #244c., 

  • Eloy Immigration Detention Center: #131,
  • Florence Immigration Detention Center: #131,
  • Immigration Detention Center at Huntington Park: #28,
  • Northwest Immigration Detention Center: #97,
  • Santa Ana Immigration Detention Center: #115b,
  • Tallahatchie Immigration Detention Center: #124b,

Imprisonment: #44, 66a, #67, #72, #73, #89, #92a, #93, #96, #97, #102, #105, #106, #107, #108a, #109a, #113, #121a, #122, #131, #132, #135, #136, #140a, #142, #143a, #145, #146b, #148a, #149, #150, #151, #152b, #158, 

Life After Deportation:

Mexican Dream: #11d, #57, #60, #64, #87, #191, #121a, #208#209#210, #223, #244b., 

Migration, circumstances:

Motherhood: #4b., #18a, #38, #48, #60, #65, #72, #78, #82, #87, #94c, #101, #102, #108a, #108b, #116, #119, #129, #143a, #148a, #149, #150, #175, #217a, #217b, #224, #243.,

Music (See Creative Expression):

Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO):

Occupation in Ecuador: 



Occupation in El Salvador:

  • Politics
  • Frente Farabundo Martí para la Liberación Nacional (FMLN): #28,

Occupation in Honduras:

Occupation in Mexico:

Occupation in the US:

Orphanage: 66a, #172, 

Permanent Resident: #4b., #6, #12, #13, #21, #23, #31, #32, #84, #91, #98, #107, #119, 142, #153a., #153b., #153c., #222, 

Place of Birth (See Country of Origin)

Places mentioned:

United States: #191, #218, #233., 

Poetry (See Artistic Expression)

Police Brutality: #20, #44,  #52, #67, #72, #88b, #88c, #92a, #92b, #98, #124b, #139, #143a, #153b., 

Poverty: #5, #8, #20, #44, #47, #50, #59, #60, #74, #75, #76, #79a, #81, #92a, #92b, #118, #121b, #124b, #124c, #127, #129, #133, 136, #189a,  #189b,

Primary Language of Narration:

Code Switching

English: #4a, #4b., #6, #13, #14, #21, #22, #23, #35, #41, #42, #46, #51, #52, #66a, #66b, #74, #75, #77, #81, #87, #88c, #89, #92a, #92b, #98, #99, #102, #103, #105, #115a, #115b, #134, #135, #141, #142, #143b, #144, #150, #153a.,  #153b., #153c., #153d.#162, #164, #165, #168, #176, #199, #211, #214, #216, #218, #219, #220, #221b., #234., #235., #243., #244a., #244b., #244c., #248, #249

Spanish: #1, #2, #3, #4a., #4b., #5, #7, #8, #9, #10, #11a, #11b, #11c, #11d, #12, #15, #16, #18a, #18b, #19, #20, #25, #27, #28, #29, #32, #33, #36, #39, #43a, #44, #45, #47, #48, #50, #53, #55, #57, #59, #61, #63, #64, #65, #67, #68, #69, #72, #74, #75, #76, #77, #78, #79a, #80, #82, #83, #85, #86, #88a, #88b, #90, #91, #93, #94a, #94b, #94c, #95, #96, #97, #100, #101, #104, #106, #107, #108a, #108b, #109a, #109b, #110, #111, #112, #113, #114, #116, #117, #118, #119, #120, #121a, #121b, #122, #123, #124a, #124b, #124c, #126, #127, #128, #129, #130, #131, #132, #133, #136, #137, #138, #139, #140a, #140b, #143a, #145, #146a, #146b, #147, #148a, #148b,  #149, #151, #152a, #152b, #156, #157, #158, #159, #162, #163, #167, #171, #174a., #174b., #175, #189a, #189b, #191, #192,  #208, #209#210, #212, #213, #217a, #217b, #222, #223, #224, #233., #236.,  #237a., #237b., #237c,.  #238., #240., #241a., #245, #246, #250

Racism (See Discrimination): #94c, #102, #103, #105, #110, #124b, #141, #142

Refugee/Asylum Seeker: #3,  #211, #124b, #124c, #175, #191, #208, #210, #217a, #217b, #223, #233., #234., 

Rehabilitation Centers: #7, #79b, #80,

Religion: #3, #7, #8, #9, #23, #26, #73, #75, #80, #81, #82, #84, #88a, #88b, #91, #98, #109a, #109b, #112, #113, #127, #129, #136, #141, #142, #143b, #146a, #159, #160, #162, #243.,

Sexual Diversity: #90, #117,  #210, 

Shelters:  #208,

Site of Deportation:

Site of Production:

Tijuana:  #1, #2, #3, #4a.,, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9, #10, #11a, #11b, #11c, #11d, #12, #13, #14, #15, #16, #17, #18a, #19, #20, #21#22, #23, #24, #25, #26, #27, #28, #29, #30a, #31, #32, #33, #34a, #35, #36, #37, #38, #39, #40, #44, #52, #56a, #56b,  #58a, #58b, #71a, #71b, #72, #74, #76, #80, #81, #82, #83, #86, #89, #98,#102, #115b, #116, #153d., #165, #172, #214, #222,  #223, #224,  #237c,. #242,  #243.,  #244a., #244b., 

See Border Crossing Points

See Country of Origin

See Place of Birth

See Places Mentioned

See Site of Deportation

See Site of Production

Transphobia: #79a, #90, #117#210, 

Veterans (See Shelters and Activist Groups):

Violation of Due Process: #29, #115b, #153b., 

Visual Art (See Creative Expression):

Voluntary Repatriation (ICE Not involved): #2, #12, #17, #39, #45, #65, #66a, #214, #238.,  #244a., #244b., #244c., 

Years living in Mexico after deportation (See Life After Deportation):

Years in the United States