Sonia Guiñansaca is an award winning queer migrant poet, cultural organizer and social justice activist based in the US. They migrated from Ecuador to the US as a child. This poem in form of digital narrative is about longing, searching for home and the significance of maintaining affective ties between Ecuador and the US. Calling Cards is part of their poetry collection Nostalgia and Borders (2016).


Sonia Guiñansaca es unx galardonadx poeta migrante queer, organizadorx cultural y activista por la justicia social con sede en los Estados Unidos. En su infancia emigró de Ecuador a los Estados Unidos. Este poema, en forma de narrativa digital, trata sobre el anhelo, la búsqueda del hogar y la importancia de mantener lazos afectivos entre Ecuador y Estados Unidos. Calling Cards es parte de su colección de poesía Nostalgia and Borders (2016).