Roberto & María Antunez

Portrait by: Leopoldo Peña

 136. In Search of Better Horizons: The Story of a Family United by Threads of Love

“When one is in the United States and all of a sudden migration comes for you, you get scared. They arrive and knock on the door and they come lying, saying something that is not true. One day, I was going to work. I was going to clean a house … So, they grabbed me in the street … they stopped the car and they took me … to migration and they also got my husband too. He was in a park and my son was at work and that was when they got all three of us … In the afternoon, they deported us, and it was really hard for us, really drastic. The day went by really quickly. They brought us to Tijuana, and we did not know where to go and we did not have anywhere to go.” 


136. In Search of Better Horizons: The Story of a Family United by Threads of Love