Navigating the Archive
In order to facilitate navigation of the archive, we suggest consulting the index of key terms provided here (A-C, D-F, G-I, J-M, N-P, Q-S, T-Z). Key terms are based on explicit oral or visual representations provided by the creators of each digital narrative.
Life After Deportation/Repatriation:
- Family Separation After Deportation/Repatriation (See Living Arrangements After Deportation/Repatriation): #1, #2, #4a., #5, #6, #7, #10, #11b, #14, #18a, #19, #21, #22, #25, #29, #30a, #32, #33, #36, #38, #39, #46, #42, #47, #48, #52, #58a, #58b, #59, #63, #65, #72, #76, #78, #81, #82, #84, #91, #96, #101, #102, #103, #107, #108a, #112, #115a, #115b, #116, #117, #119, #122, #124a, #125 , #127, #128, #128b,, #129, #131, #132, #133, #140a, #141, #144, #146a, #146b, #148b, #150, #151, #155, #161, #168, #170, #214, #221b. , #243., #250, #252, #254, #257a, #257b, #259, #262a, #262c, #264, #265, #273a, #273b, #282, #286,#301, #306, #313, #349a, #349b, #369,
- Living Arrangements After Deportation/Repatriation:
- Children living in a different country: #124a, #127,
- Children living in the United States: #1, #2, #4a., #5, #6, #7, #10, #11b, #14, #17, #18a, #19, #21, #22, #25, #29, #30a,#31, #32, #33, #36, #38, #39, #42, #47, #48, #52, #58a, #58b, #59, #63, #65, #72, #76, #78, #82, #84, #92a, #93, #96, #101, #102, #103, #107, #108a, #112, #115a, #115b, #116, #119, #125, #127, #128, #128b, #131, #132, #133, #140a, #141, #144, #148a, #150, #153a., #153b., #153c., #155, #158, #160, #161, #164, #168, #170, #176, #178, #224, #228, #233., #240., #250, #257a, #264, #265, #266a, #266b, #268, #273a, #273b, #282, #306, #311, #349a, #349b, #369,
- Current Partner living with Past Partner:
- Deported/Repatriated Alone (See deportation, Repatriation Circumstances): 66a, #94b, #167, #182, #214, #216, #231, #265,
- Divorce/separation: #1, #2, #4a., #6, #7, #10, #26, #37a, #37b, #37c, #38, #42, #47, #58a, #58b, #59, #67, #74, #94, #96, #102, #104, #108a, #109a, #112, #113, #127, #155, #190, #192, #197, #233, #257a, #311,
- Family living in the United States: #1, #17, #33, #35, #52, #55, #57, #71a, #96, #103, #104, #105, #117, #127, #138, #152a, #214, #264, #265, #266a, #266b, #273a, #273b, #282, #311, #313, #349a, #349b,
- Homelessness (See Homelessness): #1, #5, #7, #20, #32, #37a,,#37b, #37c, #60, #91, #92a, #117, #124b, #139, #153a., #153b., #153c., #165, #185, #192, #206, #207, #222, #295,
- Living alone: #2, #3, #4, #6, #11a, #11b, #11c, #11d, #11e, #12, #14,#17, #19, #21, #22, #26, #31, #43a, #43b, #52, #55, #58a, #58b, #67, #75, #77, #80, #81, #83, #86, #96, #97, #98, #101, #102, #115b, #119, #125, #128, #128b,, #131, #133, #134, #140b, #141, #142, #143a, #144, #147, #150, #152b, #153a., #153b., #153c., #155, #158, #174a., #174b., #179, #185, #196, #200, #206, #207, #221b., #222, #231, #242, #257b, #258, #260, #265, #269, #273a, #273b, #302, #310, #319,
- Living in “El Bordo:” #32, #222,
- Living in a Shelter (See Shelter): #11b, #15, #16, #18a, #20, #26, #29, #73, #74, #76, #77, #80, #92a, #117, #124c, #128b, #162, #191, #192, #206, #207, #210, #217a, #223, #225, #271, #274, #294, #295, #296, #310, #311, #318, #319, #321, #322, #336, #337, #338, #378
- Living with Children: #25, #26, #94c, #148b, #192,
- Living with Family Members: #1, #4b., #13, #53, #56a, #56b, #66a, #66b, #70, #76, #84, #92a, #94b, #96, #104, #105, #108a, #109a, #109b, #110, #111, #117, #120, #121b, #124b, #135, #136, #137, #241c, #149, #162, #167, #174a., #174b., #182, #184, #185, #189a, #188a, #188b, #189a, #189b, #191, #192, #194, #198, #208, #210, #212, #215, #220, #223, #224, #225, #233., #238., #239, #241a., #245, #246 #247, #250, #259, #261, #262a, #265, #266a, #266b, #268, #274, #276, #282, #286, #291, #292, #297, #298a, #298b, #324, #365a, #365b,
- Living with Partner/Spouse (With or Without Children): #31, #33, #42, #86, #91, #99, #106, #109b, #152a, #243, #263
- Living with New Partner: #33, #42, #86, #91, #99, #106, #109b, #152a, #160, #177, #180, #227, #228, #229, #257a, #262c, #263, #276, #301
- Living with Strangers: #94a, #93b, #132
- Loss of Child Custody: #7, #67, #78, #168, #176, #224, #260 , #262a, #262c,#267
- Lost Contact with Family: #7, #10, #19, #21, #67, #83, #93, #115a, #115b, #153a., #153b., #153c., #160, #168, #222, #257a,
- Mixed Status Family : #6,#26, #155,#160, #193 #194, #207, #225, #226, #241c, #257b, #265, #268,
- Parents living in the United States: #30a, #56a, #56b, #60, #70, #176, #178, #250, #257b, #266a, #266b, #273a, #273b
- Parents living with Content Creator/Narrator: #31,
- Partner living in a Different Country: #124a, #129,
- Partner living in the United States: #1, #2, #4a., #5, #6, #7, #10, #14, #32, #36, #38, #42, #65, #72, #74, #76, #84, #92a, #93, #108a, #111, #112, #113, #141, #144, #147, #149, #150, #158, #183a, #183b, #252, #257a, #264, #265, #311, #349a, #349b,
- Single: #11b, #11c, #94c,
- Transborder Family: #16, #66a, #85, #155, #241c, #193, #194, #206, #207, #215, #225, #223, #224, #233., #257a, #257b, #259, #262a, #262c, #264, #265, #273a, #273b, #275, #276, #278, #312,
- Widowed: #101, #291
- Occupation After Deportation, in Home Country:
- Haiti:
- University Student: #349b,
- Mexico:
- Activist: #4a, #4b, #11a,#11b,#11c,#11d,#11e,#42, #82,
- Agriculture: #106
- Artist: #69, #89, #166c, #166d, #200,
- Baker: #189a, #189b,
- Barber/Hairdresser: #89,
- Call Center: #21, #42, #66a, #67, #73, #84, #99, #103, #105, #132, #135, #165, #168, #176, #178, #179, #180, #216, #262a , #263, #275
- Caretaker: #233.,
- Coach: #30b,
- Community Service: #6, #11d,#11e, #26, #36, #42, #45, #74, #77, #98, #143a,
- Construction: #33, #92a,#155,#160,
- Contractor: #91,
- Cook: #223,
- Driver: #250
- Education: #94c, #105,
- Entrepreneur:#11a,#11b,#11c,#11d,#15,#50, #80, #91, #143a, #149,#261
- Field Worker: #33, #50, #95,
- Informal Jobs: #5, #15, #36,#37a,#37b#37c #50, #65, #74, #75, #86, #98, #139, #149, #222, #264
- Librarian: #12
- Manufacture: #12, #83, #92,
- Mechanic: #257a,#257b,
- Missionary: #263
- Musician: #89, #313,
- Organized Crime: #52,#223#225, #259,
- Police: #13, #16, #20, #43a, #44, #67, #76,
- Reforestation: #130,
- Rehabilitation Center:#25, #143a,#155, #222,
- Restaurant: #11c, #11d,#11e,#98, #100, #137, #153c., #248, #260
- Retail: #65, #80, #98, #101, #148b,
- Security: #73, #125,
- Sex Worker: #117,
- Student: #21, #45, #54,#265, #365a, #365b,
- Community College:
- Interruptions in Education: #92a, #263,#266a,#266b,
- No access to Education: #92a,
- Public Education:
- University Education: #51, #100, #105, #117, #235.,#266a,#266b, #365a, #365b
- Shelter: #128b,
- Tattoo:
- Teacher: #73,
- Technology: #92a, #111, #116,
- Telemarketing: #310
- Tourism: #103, #104, #148b,
- Transportation: #50, #95, #118,
- Unemployed: #5, #16, #82, #81, #124a, #127,
- Volunteer: #15, #192,
- Waiter: #64,
- Haiti:
- Years Living in Home Country After Deportation
- Ecuador:
- 0-1 years:
- 1-3 years:
- 3-5 years:
- 5-10 years:
- More than 10 years:
- Guatemala:
- 0-1 years:
- 1-3 years:
- 3-5 years:
- 5-10 years:
- More than 10 years:
- Haiti:
- Honduras:
- 0-1 years:
- 1-3 years: #369,
- 3-5 years:
- 5-10 years:
- More than 10 years:
- Mexico:
- 0-1 years: #88c, #92a, #96, #158, #223, #278, #284, #321,#378
- 1-3 years: #1, #2, #35, #14, #38, #48, #70, #132, #157, #164, #172, #219, #254, #322,
- 3-5 years: #19, #30a, #33, #118, #136, #147, #214,
- 5-10 years:#11a, #11b,#11c,#11d,#11e, #18a, #103, #143a,#165,
- More than 10: #4a, #4b, #95, #98, #117, #167, #168, #176, #262a, #310, #350a, #350b, #365a, #365b
- Ecuador:
- Years Since Last Deportation
Life in Transit, During Migration:
- Family separation during migration (See Living Arrangements for Migrants in Transit): #320a, #320b, #328, #343, #345, #352a, #352b, #352c,#358
- Living Arrangements for Migrants in Transit
- Children living in home country: #124a, #127, #206, #217a, #314, #353, #358
- Children living in the US: #316,
- Divorce or separation: #127,
- family living in home country: #317a, #317b, #317c, #320a, #320b,
- Homelessness: #190, #196, #206, #211, #218, #277, #316, #318, #346a, #346b, #354
- Living alone: #206, #283, #304, #307, #316, #317a, #317b, #317c, #318, #320a, #320b, #358, #367,
- Living in a shelter: #124a, #166b, #181, #190, #196, #206, #211, #217a, #225, #271, #277, #279, #283, #293, #294, #296, #303, #314, #315, #318, #326, #327, #328, #330, #331, #333, #334, #335, #339, #340, #341, #342, #343, #344, #345, #346a, #346b, #351, #354, #358, #360, #361, #368, #372, #374,
- Living with family members: #2, #181, #190, #225, #323, #326, #327, #329, #337, #343, #351, #357, #359, #360, #368, #376,
- Spouse living in home country: #124a, #127, #314, #358
- Spouse living in the US:
- Occupation in Transit
- Brazil
- Animal care: #353
- Mexico
- Activist:
- Agriculture:
- Artist:
- Baker:
- Barber/Hairdresser:
- Call Center:
- Caretaker:
- Coach:
- Chef: #347,
- Commercial cleaning services: #346a, #346b,
- Community Service:
- Construction:
- Contractor:
- Cook:
- Driver:
- Education:
- Entrepreneur:
- Field Worker:
- Informal Jobs:
- Librarian:
- Manufacture: #307
- Mechanic:
- Missionary:
- Musician:
- Odd Jobs: #323,
- Organized Crime:
- Police:
- Reforestation:
- Rehabilitation Center:
- Restaurant: #296, #307, #353, #357
- Retail:
- Security: #408
- Sex Worker: #318,
- Student:
- Community College:
- Interruptions in Education:
- No access to Education:
- Public Education:
- University Education:
- Tattoo:
- Teacher:
- Technology:
- Tourism:
- Transportation:
- Unemployed:
- Volunteer:
- Waiter:
- Chile:
- Student: #344,
- Brazil
Mexican Dream: #11d, #25, #26, #27, #56a, #56b, #57, #60, #64, #87, #191, #192, #196, #121a, #201, #208, #209, #210, #223, #244b., #260, #261 , #263, #274, #276, #277, #279, #278, #280, #283, #295, #296, #307, #365a, #365b
Migration, Circumstances:
- Adventure: #9,#15, #46, #75,#173, #177,#186, #241a, #282, #288, 289a; 289b, #350a, #350b,
- Asylum Application: #201,#206, #211, #270, #271, 274, #277, #278, #280, #284, #295, #296, #304, #305, #307, #314, #315, #316, #317a, #317b, #317c, #318, #320a, #320b, #324, #325, #329, #331, #337, #343, #347, #348, #368, #370d., #372,
- Better Life: #2, #4a., #5, #7, #9, #11a, #12, #23, #25, #26, #27, #28, #33, #36, #41, #43a, #43b, #47, #48, #50, #55, #58a, #58b, #59, #60, #64, #65, #68, #70, #72, #74, #76, #77, #82, #83, #85, #86, #87, #88a, #88b, #90, #91, #94a, #95, #96, #99, #100, #101, #102, #103, #104, #105, #108a, #109a, #115a, #117, #118, #119, #120, #122, #123, #124a, #124c, #125, #126, #127, #129, #130, #131, #133, #134, #136, #138, #139, #141, #143a, #144, #147, #149, #150, #159, #161, #169, #171, #181, #184, #186, #187 #189a, #189b, #193, #194, #197, #198, #199, #200,#203, #204, #205, #206, #207, #210, #211, #213, #218, #220, #226, #235. #239, #240. #251, #252,, #253, #254, #255, #257a, #259, #265, #270, #271, #291, #272, #274, #276 , #277, #279, #280, #281, #283, #284, #285, #286, #287, #288, #289a; #289b, #290, #291, #292, #294, #295, #296, #297, #298a, #298b, #299, #300, #303, #305, #313, #314, #315, #316, #317a, #317b, #317c, #318, #320a, #320b, #321, #322, #324, #325, #328, #332, #333, #334, #336, #337, #338, #342, #344, #345, #347, #348, #350a, #350b, #352a, #352b, #352c,#353, #354, #355, #359, #361, #367, #370c., #370f., #373, #374, #377, #378
- CBP One app: #368, #372,
- Child Abuse ( See Deportation, Repatriation Circumstances): #94b, #280, #348,
- Childhood Arrivals: #2, #5, #6, #10, #13, #14, #17, #21, #22, #23, #24, #26,#28, #35, #38, #40a, #40b, #40c, #41, #42, #45 ,#54, #56a, #56b, #58a, #58b, #60, #61, #62, #63, #64, #67, #70, #71a, #73, #74, #76, #79a, #84, #86, #89, #92a, #93, #95, #96, #98, #99, #102, #103, #104, #105, #155, #161, #164, #165, #168, #174a., #174b., #176, #178, #179, #180, #182, #188a, #188b, #194, #199, #203, #213, #215 #220, #222, #227, #272, #228, #229, #230, #231, #232, #234., #242, #243., #244a., #244b., #244c., #248, #249, #252, #255, #256, #258, #259, #262a , #262c, #263, #265, #268, #269, #273a, #273b, #275, #282, #288, #294, #301, #302, #306, #310
- Coyotes: #7, #11a, #11b, #28, #33, #41, #50, #75, #95, #97, #102, #106, #108a, #113, #114, #123, #126, #135, #136, #137, #149, #152a, #157, #177, #161, #168, #171, #177, #183a, #183b, #184, #187, #189a, #189b , #190, #191, #195a, #195b, #191, #197, #206, #214, #219, #223, #224, #225, #226, #233., #237a., #238., #239, #245, #246, #247, #250, #267, #273a, #273b, #285, #287, #288, #289a; #289b, #290, # 291, #292, #297, #313, #365a, #365b, #367,
- Deportation: #16, #26,#28, #182,#185, #211, #233.,#266b, #275, #290, #291, #292, #298a, #298b, #298a, #298b, #322, #336, #416
- Dictatorship: #201,
- Divorce/separation: #190,
- Documentation through Marriage: #4a., #4b., #18a, #18b, #152a, #209, #375,
- Driver’s License: #142,
- Economic Crisis: #15, #96, #108a, #109a, #109b, #116, #118, #120, #121a, #121b, #124a, #124b, #124c, #125, #127, #136, #134, #155, #167, #169, #187 #189a, #189b, #194, #203, #204, #206, #207, #223, #225, #233., #234., #241c, #247, #252, #253, #254, #259, #261 , #263, #272, #283, #285, #286, #287, #288, #289a; #289b, #290, #292, #294, #297, #298a, #298b, #307, #348,
- Educational Opportunity: #376,
- Expired Visa: #85, #138, #205,#248
- F1 Student Visa: #162, #185,
- False documents: #157, #190,#193,#244a., #272, #286, #288, #377,
- Family (Reunification): #11b, #13, #14, #16, #76, #91, #96, #101, #102, #114, #121a, #121b, #124b, #128b,, #137, #140b, #167, #172, #188a, #188b, #238., #241a., #252, #259, #264, #265, #282, #286, #287, #288, #316, #317a, #317b, #317c, #320a, #320b, #321, #322, #327, #330, #331, #333, #334, #337, #349b, #350a, #350b, #351, #365a, #365b, #373, #374, #377,
- Family (with partner): #129, #270, #291, #343, #352a, #352b, #352c, #369,
- Financial problems: #4a, #4b,#25, #196, #206, #217a, #284, #293, #295, #299, #300, #307, #323, #336, #337, #347, #348, #349a,#352a, #352b, #352c, #354, #374, #377,
- Gang violence: #124a, #202, #217a, #259,#265,#267, #274, #276, #277, #278, #279, #280,#284, #293, #295, #296, #304, #307, #308a, #308b
- H1 Work Visa: #2, #12, #111, #147,
- Homophobia: #191, #202, #270, #271, #277, #278, #279, #280, #281, #295, #296, #299, #300, #303, #304, #308a, #308b, #315, #318, #324, #325, #333, #334, #340, #342, #343, #347, #348, #360
- Humanitarian Visa: #28, #65, #134, #261,#262c, #283, #293, #347, #348,
- Illegal Re-entry: #1, #2, #7, #47,#72, #73, #78, #81, #83, #121a, #124a, #168, #189a, #189b, #195a,#195b,#197,#216,#229, 273a, 273b, #291, #292
- Infidelity:
- Infraction: #233.,
- Job opportunity: #5, #28,#43a,#43b, #129, #156, #162, #172, #184,#186, #187, #206, #283, #295, #300, #317a, #317b, #317c, #320a, #320b, #337, #338, #350a,#350b,#352a, #352b, #352c, #367, #370f., #374,
- Kidnapping: #88a, #88c, #270, #277, #292, #303
- La Bestia (“The Beast”): #28, #33, #43a, #75, #95, #139, #293, #337, #370b., #370e.,
- La Caravana (“Migrant Caravan”): #154, #166c, #166d, #175, #192, #210, #261, #263, #264, #124a, #124b, #124c, #139, #154, #159, #162,#191,#192, #223, #260, 274, #278, #280, #283, #334, #340, #370e.,
- Laser Visa/Mica (Border Crossing Card): #6, #14, #22,#29, #57, #138, #143a, #147, #152a, #169,#194,#198,#203,#204,#205,#228#241a.#251,
- Legal Crossing: #111, #141, #166d, #128b,, #203, #209, #156, #169, #204, #205, #207, #211, #213, #225, #220, #248, #251, #265, #271, #273a, #273b, #278, #307, #347, #348, #349a,
- Medical Assistance: #112, #257b, #272, #374,
- Metering (waiting for permission to cross): #349b,
- Organized Crime: #124a, #124c, #129, #293, #295, #296, #305, #307, #314, #316, #317a, #317b, #317c, #318, #320a, #320b, #323, #325, #326, #328, #330, #334, #339, #340, #341, #346a, #346b, #349b, #353, #356, #357, #358, #359, #369, #370d.,
- Persecution (not political): #124a, #129, #181, #191, #218, #235, #270, #274, #279, #295, #296, #303, #304, #308a, #308b, #316, #317a, #317b, #317c, #318, #320a, #320b, #324, #328, #332, #335, #339, #342, #343, #345, #352a, #352b, #352c, #359, #360, #361, #369, #370d., #371,
- Political persecution: #159, #196, #201, #207, #211, #223, #225, #342, #343,
- Political repression: #314,
- Poverty:#25, #37a, #37b #37c #43a, #43b, #59, #69, #76, #108a, #109b, #120, #124a, #124b, #124c, #127, #133, #153c., #154, #177, #184, #185, #197, #199, #206, #217a, #217b, #259, #283, #284, #285, #287, #288, #289a; #289b, #292, #296, #297, #298a, #298b, #307, #313, #317a, #317b, #317c, #320a, #320b, #322, #323, #337, #346a, #346b, #348, #350a, #350b, #352a, #352b, #352c,#356, #367, #370a., #374,
- Pregnancy: #323, #351
- Salary/Pay: #36, #48, #100, #121a, #121b, #144, #142, #189a, #189b, #254, #283, #291
- Spousal/Domestic Abuse (See Deportation, Repatriation Circumstances; See Crime): #18a, #69, #72, #78, #128, #128b, #132, #167, #202, #223, #260, #272, #291, #294, #299, #306, #323, #331
- Teenage Pregnancy: #94c, #124a, #124c, #262a
- Tourist Visa: #82, #87, #100, #156, #248
- Transphobia: #181, #190,#191, #210, #271,#274, #277, #278, #279, #280, #281, #295, #296, #299, #300, #303, #315, #317a, #317b, #317c, #324, #325, #332, #333, #341, #357, #371,
- U Visa: #128, #132,
- Undocumented Crossing: #1, #3, #7, #10, #18a, #19, #25, #26, #27, #36, #39, #41, #50, #55, #57, #60, #61, #64, #65, #72, #74, #75, #78, #79a, #83, #88a, #93, #94a, #96, #97, #112, #117, #118, #124a, #124b, #124c, #145, #149, #152a, #153a., #161, #168, #189a, #174a., #174b., #180, #184, #186, #188a, #188b,, #189b, #191, #192, #194, #196, #197, #199, #200, #208, #210, #214, #218, #224, #226, #229, #233., #237b., #237c,. #238., #239, #241a., #244a., #245 , #246 , #247, #249, #252, #254, #257a, #257b, #259, #260, #261 , #263, #272, #273a, #273b, #276, #277, #282, #283, #285, #287, #288, #289a; #289b, #290, #291, #292, #293, #295, #296, #297, #298a, #298b, #303, #308a, #308b, #318, #321, #365a, #365b, #366a, #366b, #370a., #378
- Unemployment: #42, #44, #50, #59, #124c, #154, #187, #189a, #189b, #156, #206, #277, #283, #307
- Violence/Threats: #8, #7, #29, #41, #44, #74, #78, #83, #87, #90, #100, #108a, #114, #124a, #124b, #124c, #127,#128b,, #129, #130, #135, #143b, #151, #159,#161, #167, #175, #181, #183a,#183b, #191, #201,#202,#207, #217a, #218, #235, #260, #271, #274, #277, #278, #279, #280, #281, #284, #293, #294, #295, #296, #303, #304, #305, #307, #308a, #308b, #316, #317a, #317b, #317c, #318, #320a, #320b, #323, #324, #325, #326, #327, #328, #329, #330, #331, #333, #334, #335, #340, #341, #342, #346a, #346b, #348, #349b, #353, #354, #357, #358, #359, #361, #369, #370d., #371, #374,
- Visa: #6, #14, #143a, #152a, #141, #172, #206,#209,#283, #311, #408
Motherhood: #4b., #18a, #19, #25, #38, #48, #60, #65, #72, #78, #82, #87, #94c, #101, #102, #108a, #108b, #116, #119, #128b,, #129, #143a, #148a, #149, #150, #162, #169, #175, #193, #202, #217a, #217b, #224, #239, #243., #252, #254, #254, #259, #262a, #262c, #263, #264, #265, #267, #272, #276, #282, #284, #286, #287, #291, #294 , #295, #306, #308a, #308b, #316, #321, #323, #324, #328, #339, #366a, #366b, #368, #372, #374, #375, #416